ABPTS Advanced Certification Exams: What to Expect the Day of the Test
February 14, 2022
3 min. read

If youre a physical therapist who is preparing to become an ABPTS board-certified clinical specialist, you know how much time and commitment it takes to get ready for your certification exam. So as the date approaches, its normal to feel a little nervous and wonder what to expect on test day. As someone who has been through this experience already, here are some of the most common tips I give other PTs to help them feel ready and confident.
Get your paperwork in order beforehand. Make sure you have all your paperwork handy or printed out when you get there. The process goes much faster if everyone has their items handy.
Wear simple, warm clothes. The testing centers can be cold, so I recommend wearing layers. When I took the exam, I wore a shirt and a sweatshirt that didnt have pockets to make patdowns easier. They even asked me to remove my headband, so plan on going in simple and comfy. They do give you a locker for personal items such as bigger jackets, snacks, and water.
Leave your own writing materials at home. You get a whiteboard or small paper notebook at your computer for notes or working through questions (and you should also receive noise-blocking headphones). Youre not allowed to bring in your own paper, pens, or pencils.
Keep the clock in mind. There are four sections with 50 questions each, for a total of 200 questions. Total time allotted is six hours, and youre allowed 1.5 hours for each section. If you complete a section early, you dont get to use that extra time on another section.
Theres a 15-minute break built in after section two, and you can also leave the exam room after sections one and three if you finish early. You can go to your locker between sections or at break, but not in the middle of a section. The lockers should be just outside the testing room, with a bathroom nearby.
Each time you leave the testing room, you need to get cleared to go back in the room. They always pat you down, check your pockets, and look at your ID. So keep that in mind for timing your breaks.

Answer every question. You dont get points deducted for answering wrong, so always answer! Also, after everyone takes the test, exam officials will possibly omit any questions that most people missed. So its in your best interest to respond to every question, even if youre not sure of the answer.
You can go back to questions within the same section. You can flag questions in each section to go back to. Remember to read each question carefully and that there will likely be some you just dont know. If you want to set those aside to return to them, you can while youre still in that section. But once youve finished a section, you cant go back to that section again.
When the exam is over, take some time to relax if you need to. I felt mentally exhausted and didnt return to work that day. Other people have said that they did return to work and the day wasnt very productive. Decide whats best for you!
Above all, I hope you find enjoyment and success as you take this next step. Kudos for taking the initiative to create an even more fulfilling career, and keep in mind that the personal and professional rewards are worth the time and effort.