Industry Updates: HHS Issues Reporting Requirements and New CPT Codes
September 28, 2020
2 min. read

HHS has issued new guidance to providers who have received $10,000 or more in COVID-19 provider relief funds. The document outlines reporting requirements for PRF recipients, which include:
Demographic information
Expenses attributable to coronavirus not reimbursed by other sources (2020 only)
Lost revenues attributable to coronavirus
Recipients should review the requirements and the accompanying FAQ document from HHS. According to the HHS website, the reporting system opens to providers on January 15, 2021, and February 15, 2021, is the first reporting deadline for all providers on use of funds.
The APTA has also discussed the release of a CPT code that can be used to record additional staff time and supplies used to provide safe in-person visits. Currently, clear guidance is unavailable at this time as to whether this CPT code will be covered by Medicare, but we will be sure to issue an update if more details are released. Providers should contact their payers for more information on reimbursement.
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