Multiple Sclerosis: Contemporary Rehabilitation and
Wellness Applied (Recorded Webinar)
Presented by Mike Studer

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“You could make your condition worse.” “They will work you too hard.” “They don’t know how much is too much.” Have you heard or even said these very words in the context of exercise and physical activity for persons with multiple sclerosis (PwMS)? Learn the facts and debunk the myths about MS in this webinar from Dr. Mike Studer. Dr. Studer will review and advance your clinical practice for PwMS on the topics of neuroplasticity, disease phenotypes, disease modification, exercise, lifelong management, and related conditions that present like MS (FND, Lyme, chronic fatigue, and more). Prepare to be challenged in some of your own understandings and beliefs about one of the most common degenerative diseases in the United States.
Learning Objectives
- Generalize contemporary science regarding phenotypes and MS-like conditions in rehabilitation examination, programming, and education in order to improve client participation in daily activities
- Integrate contemporary science regarding exercise dosage in PwMS
- Develop rehabilitation programs that leverage opportunities both within and outside of the nervous system for PwMS
- Design wellness programming appropriate for PwMS
Meet your instructor

Mike Studer
Dr. Mike Studer has been a PT since 1991. He has been board certified in neurologic PT since 1995 and has been a private practice owner since 2005. Dr. Studer has been an invited speaker covering 50 states, 10 countries, and 4 continents, speaking on topics such as cognition and psychology in rehabilitation, aging, stroke,…
Chapters & learning objectives

1. Pathophysiology, Updates, and Phenotypes of MS
In this chapter, Dr. Studer will introduce each of the recognized phenotypes of MS and the clinically relevant physiology. Attendees will see how to create plans of care that respect the disease, physiology, and life experiences of each client.

2. The Impairment Examination for PwMS
In this chapter, Dr. Studer will detail the conditions that imitate MS and review the examination/differentiating criteria by lab, imaging, and clinical presentation. All practitioners will benefit from this updated information for assessment, progress exam, education, and prescription.

3. Ruling In/Out Conditions That Are Similar to MS
In this chapter, Dr. Studer will detail the conditions that imitate MS and review the examination/differentiating criteria by lab, imaging, and clinical presentation. All practitioners will benefit from this updated information for assessment, progress exam, education, and prescription.

4. The Functional Examination for PwMS
In this chapter, Dr. Studer will detail the conditions that imitate MS and review the examination/differentiating criteria by lab, imaging, and clinical presentation. All practitioners will benefit from this updated information for assessment, progress exam, education, and prescription.

5. Rehabilitation Opportunities for PwMS
In this chapter, Dr. Studer will introduce practical strategies for clinicians to educate on and deliver the appropriate dosage of physical activity and neuroplastic stimuli for each PwMS.

6. Practical Applications in Physical Activity and Wellness for PwMS
In this chapter, Dr. Studer will review the current evidence on exercise and physical activity for PwMS. This will translate into practical strategies to leverage for disease modification and mitigation, complementing medical interventions.

7. Question and Answer Session
In this chapter, we'll review and answer the questions asked during the webinar.